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University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC)

What is the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill known for?

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Known also as UNC-Chapel hill is a Public school, at least 4 years school situated in Chapel Hill, NC.

It is a “global leader” known for its teaching and delegated research university. According to UNC, The average high school “GPA of the admitted freshman class at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill was 4.6 on the 4.0 scale indicating that primarily A students are accepted and ultimately attend”. However, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill SAT SCORE is vairy 
Section Average 25th Percentile
Math 690 630
Reading + Writing 674 640
Composite 1364 1270
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 2020-2021 Estimated Tuition Costs Chart

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 2020-2021 Estimated Tuition Costs Chart

What Makes UNC – the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Unique?
UNC – The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is one of the top 2020 party schools in North Carolina.
As we said earlier, UNC-Chapel Hill is the first state university in the United States and the “only one to award degrees during the 18th Century”. … it also, one of the most famous universities in the south. Although, it always describes as a “party school ” if you are a football fan or basketball you can easily agree on the statement. there are parties every weekend and for every football game, there is a tailgate.
Is the  UNC out of state worth it?
Unlike Duke University and some other universities in The united state, UNC University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill isn’t that expensive. It’s cost $36,159  for out-state understudies and, $8,980 for in-state ( North Carolina Residents ) .
Many students who admit to the UNC have a grant. 53% of the enlisted college understudies have gotten awards or grants and the normal guide sum is $17,030 at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
The school has an absolute enlistment of 30,011 and understudy to workforce proportion is 13 to 1 (7.69%). The normal winning following 10 years of graduation is $68,800. The pay run after graduation from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill fluctuates by field of study and the normal compensation runs $19,800 to $71,800.

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Directory Information:

Address 103 South Bldg Cb 9100, Chapel Hill, NC 27599
Phone 919-962-2211
WEB www.unc.edu 
Admission www.admissions.unc.edu 
Online Application www.admissions.unc.edu/Apply 
Financial Aid studentaid.unc.edu 
Net Price Calculator https://npc.collegeboard.org/student/app/unc 
Veterans Tuition deanofstudents.unc.edu/student-support/veterans-resources 
Disability Service https://accessibility.unc.edu/ 
School Type Public, 4 or more years
Carnegie Category Research University (very high research activity)
Highest Degree Offered Doctor’s degree-research/scholarship and professional practice

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