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Chapelhill Corona Updates

Chapelhill Corona Updates

On May 6, Orage country announced that Chapelhill Corona to Begin Phased-in Lifting of Restrictions at 5 p.m. May 8

what does that mean?. Basically that means according to Chapelhill Corona updates Orange County’s Stay at Home Order will end on May 8, 2020.

Moreover, the orange county will fall under the state order. Restrictions will be lifted in three phases, with the first phase beginning on Friday, May 8. at 5:00 PM. The emergency for Orange County, Carrboro, Chapel Hill, and Hillsborough will be extended by that time.

Since March 27, 2020 chapel hill residents have been asked to follow “stay at home” orders to avid the spread of COVID-19

chapelhill corona updates Orage county

chapelhill corona updates Orage county

The orders permit leaving home or going outside only for real-needs, such as medicine, food, sport, and dogs exercise, or to present help to a loved one.


For more information please visit www.orangecountync.gov or follow the covid-19 map at dukeunc.com

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